Treatment of Multiple Sclerosis With Interferon Beta Is Not Associated With Less Progression of Disability

EMBARGOED FOR RELEASE: 3 P.M. (CT) TUESDAY, JULY 17, 2012 Media Advisory: To contact corresponding author Helen Tremlett, Ph.D., call Brian Lin at 604-822-6397 or email To contact editorial co-author Ludwig Kappos, M.D., email   CHICAGO – Among patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (MS), treatment with the widely-prescribed drug to treat MS, interferon…


Viewpoints in This Week’s JAMA

EMBARGOED FOR RELEASE: 3 P.M. (CT) TUESDAY, JULY 10, 2012 The Moral Duty to Buy Health Insurance Tina Rulli, Ph.D., of the NIH Clinical Center, Bethesda, Md., and colleagues write that one of the most controversial features of the 2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) is the requirement that U.S. residents purchase health…

Receiving Chemotherapy Following Surgical Removal of Type of Cancer Near Pancreas May Improve Survival

EMBARGOED FOR RELEASE: 3 P.M. (CT) TUESDAY, JULY 10, 2012 Media Advisory: To contact John P. Neoptolemos, M.D., email CHICAGO – Patients who had surgery for periampullary cancer (a variety of types of cancer that are located in and near the head of the pancreas, including an area called the ampulla where the bile…

H1N1 Vaccine Associated With Small but Significant Risk of Guillain-Barre Syndrome

EMBARGOED FOR RELEASE: 3 P.M. (CT) TUESDAY, JULY 10, 2012 Media Advisory: To contact Philippe De Wals, M.D., Ph.D., call Sylvain Gagné at 418-656-3952 or email Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS) is usually characterized by rapidly developing motor weakness and areflexia (the absence of reflexes). “The disease is thought to be autoimmune and triggered by a…

Administration of Regulating Agent Prior to Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery Does Not Appear to Improve Outcomes

EMBARGOED FOR RELEASE: 3 P.M. (CT) TUESDAY, JULY 10, 2012 Media Advisory: To contact Mark F. Newman, M.D., call Sarah Avery at 919-660-1306 or email CHICAGO – Among intermediate- to high-risk patients undergoing coronary artery bypass graft surgery, administration of the agent acadesine to regulate adenosine (a naturally occurring chemical that dilates blood flow…

Studies Examine Risk of Poor Birth Outcomes, Nervous System Disorder Following H1N1 Vaccination

  EMBARGOED FOR RELEASE: 3 P.M. (CT) TUESDAY, JULY 10, 2012 Media Advisory: To contact co-author Anders Hviid, M.Sc., Dr.Med.Sci., email or call +45-32683967. To contact editorial co-author Mark C. Steinhoff, M.D., call Jim Feuer at 513-636-4656 or email CHICAGO – In studies examining the risk of adverse outcomes after receipt of the…



Also Appearing in This Week’s JAMA

EMBARGOED FOR RELEASE: 3 P.M. (CT) TUESDAY, JULY 3, 2012 Projected Explosive Material, Not Blast Pressure, May Be Primary Cause of Eye Injuries From Fireworks “Injuries from fireworks are prevalent among youth. The eye is the most frequently injured body part and accounts for more than 2,000 injuries annually. Although it is suggested that the…

Receipt of Shingles Vaccine Among Patients With Diseases Like Psoriasis and Rheumatoid Arthritis Not Associated With Increased Risk of Shingles

EMBARGOED FOR RELEASE: 3 P.M. (CT) TUESDAY, JULY 3, 2012 Media Advisory: To contact corresponding author Jeffrey R. Curtis, M.D., M.S., M.P.H., call Bob Shepard at 205-934-8934 or email CHICAGO – Although some have suggested that patients receiving medication for immune-mediated diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis or psoriasis may be at increased risk of…

Rate of Community-Onset MRSA Infections Appears To Be On the Decline

EMBARGOED FOR RELEASE: 3 P.M. (CT) TUESDAY, JULY 3, 2012 Media Advisory: To contact corresponding author Clinton K. Murray, M.D., call Jen Rodriguez at 210-916-5141 or email CHICAGO – In analysis that included more than 9 million Department of Defense nonactive and active duty personnel, the rates of both community-onset and hospital-onset methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus…

New Names for 9 JAMA Network Archives Journals Starting January 1, 2013

EMBARGOED FOR RELEASE: 3 P.M. (CT), MONDAY, JULY 2, 2012 Media Advisory: For more information, contact JAMA Network Media Relations at 312-464-JAMA (5262) or email CHICAGO –  The nine specialty Archives Journals in the JAMA Network will change their names effective Jan. 1, 2013, part of the ongoing evolution to more closely interconnect the…




Viewpoints in This Week’s JAMA

EMBARGOED FOR RELEASE: 3 P.M. (CT) TUESDAY, JUNE 26, 2012   Bone Density Screening Intervals for Osteoporosis – One Size Does Not Fit All Elaine W. Yu, M.D., and Joel S. Finkelstein, M.D., of Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, write that Medicare data indicate that over a 7-year period, only 52 percent of eligible women had…

Study Examines Outcomes For Patients Receiving Warfarin Prior to Stroke and Treated With Anti-Clotting Agent

EMBARGOED FOR RELEASE: 3 P.M. (CT) TUESDAY, JUNE 26, 2012 Media Advisory: To contact corresponding author Eric D. Peterson, M.D., M.P.H., call Debbe Geiger at 919-660-9461 or email To contact editorial author Mark J. Alberts, M.D., call Marla Paul at 312-503-8928 or email CHICAGO – The use of intravenous tissue plasminogen activator (tPA)…

Use of Limited Radiation Therapy Not Associated With Worse Outcomes for Children Responsive to Chemotherapy for Favorable-Risk Hodgkin Lymphoma

EMBARGOED FOR RELEASE: 3 P.M. (CT) TUESDAY, JUNE 26, 2012 Media Advisory: To contact Monika L. Metzger, M.D., call Summer Freeman at 901-595-3061 or email To contact editorial co-author Frederick D. Goldman, M.D., call Clinton Colmenares at 205-934-3887 or email CHICAGO – Among children with favorable-risk Hodgkin lymphoma and a complete early response…

Study Compares Effect of Three Common Diets on Energy Expenditure Following Weight Loss

EMBARGOED FOR RELEASE: 3 P.M. (CT) TUESDAY, JUNE 26, 2012 Media Advisory: To contact corresponding author David S. Ludwig, M.D., Ph.D., call Keri Stedman at 617-919-3114 or email CHICAGO – In an examination of the effect on energy expenditure and components of the metabolic syndrome of 3 types of commonly consumed diets following weight…

Stepped-Care Intervention Results in Weight Loss, at Lower Cost

EMBARGOED FOR RELEASE: 3 P.M. (CT) TUESDAY, JUNE 26, 2012 Media Advisory: To contact John M. Jakicic, Ph.D., call Patricia Lomando White at 412-624-9101 or email To contact editorial author George A. Bray, M.D., call Angela deGravelles at 225-202-5073 or email CHICAGO – Although a standard behavioral weight loss intervention among overweight and…

Federal Government Spends Substantial and Increasing Amount on Duplicate Payments to Separate Managed Care Programs For Care of Same Individuals

EMBARGOED FOR EARLY RELEASE: 7 A.M. (CT) TUESDAY, JUNE 26, 2012 Media Advisory: To contact Amal N. Trivedi, M.D., M.P.H., call David Orenstein at 401-863-1862 or email CHICAGO – An analysis that included 1.2 million veterans enrolled in the Veterans Affairs health care system and Medicare Advantage plan finds that the federal government spends…

Higher Medical Home Performance Rating of Community Health Centers Associated With Higher Operating Costs

EMBARGOED FOR EARLY RELEASE: 3:30 P.M. (CT) SUNDAY, JUNE 24, 2012 Media Advisory: To contact Robert S. Nocon, M.H.S., call Rob Mitchum at 773-484-9890 or email To contact editorial co-author Robert J. Reid, M.D., Ph.D., call Joan DeClaire at 206-947-4560 or email CHICAGO – Federally funded community health centers with higher patient-centered medical…



Also Appearing in This Week’s JAMA

EMBARGOED FOR RELEASE: 3 P.M. (CT) TUESDAY, JUNE 19, 2012   Viewpoints in This Week’s JAMA   Designing Health Care for the Most Common Chronic Condition—Multimorbidity   Mary E. Tinetti, M.D., of the Yale University School of Medicine,New Haven,Conn., and colleagues write that multimorbidity, the coexistence of multiple chronic diseases or conditions, is the most…

Addition of Lipid-Related Markers Associated With Slight Improvement in Prediction of Cardiovascular Disease

EMBARGOED FOR RELEASE: 3 P.M. (CT) TUESDAY, JUNE 19, 2012 Media Advisory: To contact Emanuele Di Angelantonio, M.D., email To contact editorial author Scott M. Grundy, M.D., Ph.D., call Remekca Owens at 214-648-3404 or email CHICAGO– Among individuals without known cardiovascular disease (CVD), the addition of certain apolipoproteins and lipoproteins to risk scores…

Study Finds Significantly Higher Rate of Untreated Kidney Failure Among Older Adults

EMBARGOED FOR RELEASE: 3 P.M. (CT) TUESDAY, JUNE 19, 2012 Media Advisory: To contact Brenda R. Hemmelgarn, M.D., Ph.D., call Marta Cyperling at 403-210-3835 or email To contact editorial co-author Manjula Kurella Tamura, M.D., M.P.H., call Michelle Brandt at 650-723-0272 or email CHICAGO– In a study that included nearly 2 millions adults in…

Risk of Alcohol Abuse May Increase After Bariatric Surgery

EMBARGOED FOR EARLY RELEASE: 11 A.M. (CT) MONDAY, JUNE 18, 2012 Media Advisory: To contact Wendy C. King, Ph.D., call or email Allison Hydzik ( or Cyndy McGrath ( at 412-647-9975. CHICAGO – Among patients who underwent bariatric surgery, there was a higher prevalence of alcohol use disorders in the second year after surgery, and…


Also Appearing in This Week’s JAMA

EMBARGOED FOR RELEASE: 3 P.M. (CT) TUESDAY, JUNE 12, 2012 Newborn Screening May Miss Infants With Adrenal Gland Disorder “The purpose of newborn screening (NBS) for congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH; a genetic disorder present at birth characterized by a deficiency of the hormones aldosterone and cortisol and an overproduction of male sex hormones [androgens]) due…

Study Finds Gender Differences in Salaries of Physician Researchers

EMBARGOED FOR RELEASE: 3 P.M. (CT) TUESDAY, JUNE 12, 2012 Media Advisory: To contact Reshma Jagsi, M.D., D.Phil., call Nicole Fawcett at 734-764-2220 or email CHICAGO – A survey of mid-career academic physician researchers finds that gender differences in salary exist, even after adjustment for differences in specialty, institutional characteristics, academic productivity, academic rank,…

Substantial Increase in Rate of Advanced Diagnostic Imaging, Associated Radiation Exposure

EMBARGOED FOR RELEASE: 3 P.M. (CT) TUESDAY, JUNE 12, 2012 Media Advisory: To contact Rebecca Smith-Bindman, M.D., call Jason Bardi at 415-502-4608 or email To contact editorial co-author George T. O’Connor, M.D., M.S., call Gina DiGravio at 617-638-8480 or email CHICAGO – Among six large integrated health care systems between 1996 and 2010…


Also Appearing in This Week’s JAMA

EMBARGOED FOR RELEASE: 3 P.M. (CT) TUESDAY, JUNE 5, 2012 Life Expectancy Gap Between Blacks, Whites Decreases “Understanding the causes of black-white differences in mortality has important consequences for interventions to reduce health inequalities in the United States. A previous report found a nearly 2-year decline in the black-white life expectancy gap among men and…

Research Examines Risk of Major Bleeding Associated With Low-Dose Aspirin Use in Patients With and Without Diabetes

EMBARGOED FOR RELEASE: 3 P.M. (CT) TUESDAY, JUNE 5, 2012 Media Advisory: To contact corresponding author Antonio Nicolucci, M.D., email To contact editorial author Jolanta M. Siller-Matula, M.D., Ph.D., email CHICAGO – Among nearly 200,000 individuals, daily use of low-dose aspirin was associated with an increased risk of major gastrointestinal or cerebral bleeding,…

Biomarker Levels Associated With Increased Risk of Death Following Noncardiac Surgery

EMBARGOED FOR RELEASE: 3 P.M. (CT) TUESDAY, JUNE 5, 2012 Media Advisory: To contact P.J. Devereaux. M.D., Ph.D., call 289-237-3748 or 905-527-4322, ext. 40654; or email CHICAGO – Certain levels of the biomarker troponin T (a protein) measured in the first three days following noncardiac surgery are associated with an increased risk of death…

Study Compares Effectiveness of Telephone-Administered vs. Face-to-Face Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Depression

EMBARGOED FOR RELEASE: 3 P.M. (CT) TUESDAY, JUNE 5, 2012 Media Advisory: To contact David C. Mohr, Ph.D., call Marla Paul at 312-503-8928 or email CHICAGO – Patients with major depression who received telephone-administered cognitive behavioral therapy (T-CBT) had lower rates of discontinuing treatment compared to patients who received face-to-face CBT, and telephone administered…




JAMA Studies Being Presented at American Thoracic Society International Conference, May 21

EMBARGOED FOR EARLY RELEASE: 10 A.M. (CT) MONDAY, MAY 21, 2012 International Panel Updates Definition of Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Gordon D. Rubenfeld, M.D., of the Sunnybrook Health Sciences Center, Toronto, Canada, and colleagues with the ARDS (acute respiratory distress syndrome) Definition Task Force, developed a new definition of ARDS (the Berlin Definition) that focused…

JAMA Studies Being Presented at American Thoracic Society International Conference, May 20

EMBARGOED FOR EARLY RELEASE: 10 A.M. (CT) SUNDAY, MAY 20, 2012 Study Evaluates Use of Inhaled Saline for Young Children With Cystic Fibrosis Margaret Rosenfeld, M.D., M.P.H., of Seattle Children’s Hospital, and colleagues conducted a study to examine if hypertonic saline would reduce the rate of pulmonary exacerbations in children younger than 6 years of…

Also Appearing in This Week’s JAMA

EMBARGOED FOR RELEASE: 3 P.M. (CT) TUESDAY, MAY 22, 2012 Surface of Drug-Eluting Stents May Become Damaged During Balloon Expansion Drug-eluting stents (DES) have advanced percutaneous treatment (such as balloon angioplasty) of coronary artery disease by reducing restenosis (re-narrowing of a coronary artery after angioplasty). However, DES are associated with complications, including thrombosis (formation of…

Use of Multicomponent Intervention Associated With Decrease in Use of Physical Restraint in Nursing Homes

EMBARGOED FOR RELEASE: 3 P.M. (CT) TUESDAY, MAY 22, 2012 Media Advisory: To contact Sascha Kopke, Ph.D., email CHICAGO – Nursing homes that used a multicomponent intervention that included staff training and supportive materials for staff, residents and relatives had a lower rate of use of physical restraints such as bilateral bed rails and…

Studies Investigate CPAP Treatment and Cardiovascular Outcomes Among Adults with Obstructive Sleep Apnea

EMBARGOED FOR RELEASE: 3 P.M. (CT) TUESDAY, MAY 22, 2012 Media Advisory: To contact Ferran Barbé, M.D., email To contact José M. Marin, M.D., email To contact editorial co-author Edward M. Weaver, M.D., M.P.H., call Clare LaFond at 206-685-1323 or email CHICAGO – Two studies that included adults with obstructive sleep apnea…


Changes in Air Pollution Levels During Beijing Olympics Associated With Changes in Biomarkers Linked to Cardiovascular Disease

EMBARGOED FOR RELEASE: 3 P.M. (CT) TUESDAY, MAY 15, 2012 Media Advisory: To contact corresponding author Junfeng (Jim) Zhang, Ph.D., call Alison Trinidad at 323-442-3941 or email; to contact corresponding author Tong Zhu, Ph.D., email To contact editorial co-author Francesca Dominici, Ph.D., call Todd Datz at 617-432-8413 or email CHICAGO – During…

African Countries That Received More Intensive Assistance From AIDS Relief Program Show Greater Decline in Death Rate

EMBARGOED FOR RELEASE: 3 P.M. (CT) TUESDAY, MAY 15, 2012 Media Advisory: To contact Eran Bendavid, M.D., M.S., call Ruthann Richter at 650-725-8047 or email To contact editorial author Ezekiel J. Emanuel, M.D., Ph.D., call Holly Auer at 215-349-5659 or email CHICAGO – Between 2004 and 2008, all-cause adult mortality declined more in…

Prenatal Micronutrient, Food Supplementation Intervention in Bangladesh Decreases Child Mortality Rate

EMBARGOED FOR RELEASE: 3 P.M. (CT) TUESDAY, MAY 15, 2012 Media Advisory: To contact Lars Ake Persson, M.D., Ph.D., email To contact editorial co-author Robert E. Black, M.D., M.P.H., call Tim Parsons at 410-955-7619 or email  CHICAGO – Pregnant women in poor communities in Bangladesh who received multiple micronutrients, including iron and folic…

Also Appearing in This Week’s JAMA Theme Issue on Global Health

Prevalence of Girl Child Marriage Decreases in South Asia Girl child marriage (i.e., < 18 years of age) affects more than 10 million girls globally each year and is linked to maternal and infant morbidities (e.g., delivery complications, low birth weight) and an increased risk of death. Half (46 percent) of child marriages occur in…

Considerable Prevalence of Both Malaria and Sexually Transmitted/Reproductive Tract Infections Exist Among Pregnant Women in Sub-Saharan Africa

EMBARGOED FOR RELEASE: 3 P.M. (CT) TUESDAY, MAY 15, 2012 Media Advisory: To contact R. Matthew Chico, M.P.H., email Katie Steels at or call +44 (0)20-7927-2802. CHICAGO – A review of studies reporting estimates of the prevalence of sexually transmitted infections/reproductive tract infections (STIs/RTIs) and malaria over the past 20 years suggests that a…