Early Childhood Depression Associated with Brain Gray Matter Development

EMBARGOED FOR RELEASE: 11 A.M. (ET), WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 16, 2015   To place an electronic embedded link to this study in your story Links will be live at the embargo time: http://archpsyc.jamanetwork.com/article.aspx?doi=10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2015.192356; http://archpsyc.jamanetwork.com/article.aspx?doi=10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2015.2453   JAMA Psychiatry Findings suggest the path of development for cortical gray matter in the brain starts with rapid neurogenesis (the generation of…


Bullying Exposure Associated with Adult Psychiatric Disorders Requiring Treatment

EMBARGOED FOR RELEASE: 11 A.M. (ET), WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 9, 2015 Media Advisory: To contact corresponding author Andre Sourander, M.D., Ph.D., email andre.sourander@utu.fi To place an electronic embedded link to this study in your story Links will be live at the embargo time: http://archpsyc.jamanetwork.com/article.aspx?doi=10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2015.2419   JAMA Psychiatry Exposure to bullying as a child was associated with psychiatric…


How Much TV You Watch as a Young Adult May Affect Midlife Cognitive Function

EMBARGOED FOR RELEASE: 11 A.M. (ET), WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 2, 2015 Media Advisory: To contact corresponding author Tina D. Hoang, M.S.P.H., call Laura Kurtzman at 415- 476-3163 or email Laura.Kurtzman@ucsf.edu. To place an electronic embedded link to this study in your story Links will be live at the embargo time: http://archpsyc.jamanetwork.com/article.aspx?doi=10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2015.2468   JAMA Psychiatry Watching a lot of…


Structural Brain Connectivity as a Genetic Marker for Schizophrenia

EMBARGOED FOR RELEASE: 11 A.M. (ET), WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 2015 Media Advisory: To contact study corresponding author Marc M. Bohlken, M.Sc., email m.bohlken@umcutrecht.nl To place an electronic embedded link to this study in your story Links will be live at the embargo time: http://archpsyc.jamanetwork.com/article.aspx?doi=10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2015.1925; http://archpsyc.jamanetwork.com/article.aspx?doi=10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2015.211   JAMA Psychiatry Schizophrenia has been considered an illness of disrupted…


Bright Light Treatment Efficacious for Nonseasonal Major Depressive Disorder

EMBARGOED FOR RELEASE: 11 A.M. (ET), WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2015 Media Advisory: To contact corresponding author Raymond W. Lam, M.D., call Heather Amos at 604-822-3213 or email heather.amos@ubc.ca. To place an electronic embedded link to this study in your story Links will be live at the embargo time: http://archpsyc.jamanetwork.com/article.aspx?doi=10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2015.2235   JAMA Psychiatry Bright light treatment either…

Prevalence of Lifetime Drug Use Disorders Nearly 10% in U.S.

EMBARGOED FOR RELEASE: 11 A.M. (ET), WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2015 Media Advisory: To contact corresponding author Bridget F. Grant, Ph.D., call the NIAAA Press Office at 301-443-3860 or email NIAAAPressOffice@mail.nih.gov To place an electronic embedded link to this study in your story Links will be live at the embargo time: http://archpsyc.jamanetwork.com/article.aspx?doi=10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2015.2132   JAMA Psychiatry A large…


Death of a Parent in Childhood Associated with Increased Suicide Risk

EMBARGOED FOR RELEASE: 11 A.M. (ET), WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 2015 Media Advisory: To contact corresponding author Mai-Britt Guldin, Ph.D., email m.guldin@ph.au.dk To place an electronic embedded link to this study in your story Links will be live at the embargo time: http://archpsyc.jamanetwork.com/article.aspx?doi=10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2015.2094   JAMA Psychiatry The death of a parent in childhood was associated with a…


Online Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Intervention to Reduce Suicide Ideation in Medical Interns

EMBARGOED FOR RELEASE: 11 A.M. (ET), WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 2015   To place an electronic embedded link to this study in your story Links will be live at the embargo time: http://archpsyc.jamanetwork.com/article.aspx?doi=10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2015.1880; http://archpsyc.jamanetwork.com/article.aspx?doi=10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2015.2112 Author Interview: An author audio interview will be available when the embargo lifts on the JAMA Psychiatry website: http://jama.md/1CAHnJb   JAMA Psychiatry Physicians…


Adults with Schizophrenia More Likely to Die; High Cardiovascular Death Rates 

EMBARGOED FOR RELEASE: 11 A.M. (ET), WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 28, 2015 Media Advisory: To contact corresponding author Mark Olfson, M.D., M.P.H., call Rachel Yarmolinsky at 646-774-5353 or email Yarmoli@nyspi.columbia.edu. To contact corresponding editorial author John J. McGrath, M.D., Ph.D., email j.mcgrath@uq.edu.au. To place an electronic embedded link to this study in your story Links will be live at…


Marijuana Use More than Doubles from 2001 to 2013; Increase in Use Disorders Too

EMBARGOED FOR RELEASE: 11 A.M. (ET), WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 2015 Media Advisory: To contact corresponding author Bridget F. Grant, Ph.D., call the NIAAA Press Office at 301-443-3860 or email NIAAAPressOffice@mail.nih.gov To place an electronic embedded link to this study in your story Links will be live at the embargo time: http://archpsyc.jamanetwork.com/article.aspx?doi=10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2015.1858   JAMA Psychiatry The estimated…


Comprehensive Suicide Prevention Program Activities Associated with Reduction in Suicide Attempts

EMBARGOED FOR RELEASE: 11 A.M. (ET), WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 2015 Media Advisory: To contact corresponding author Christine Walrath, Ph.D., call Erica Eriksdotter at 703-934-3668 or email Erica.Eriksdotter@icfi.com. To place an electronic embedded link to this study in your story Links will be live at the embargo time: http://archpsyc.jamanetwork.com/article.aspx?doi=10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2015.1933.   JAMA Psychiatry Counties that implemented Garrett Lee…


Study Details Prevalence of PTSD in Vietnam War Women Vets

EMBARGOED FOR RELEASE: 11 A.M. (ET), WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 7, 2015 Media Advisory: To contact corresponding author Kathryn Magruder, Ph.D., M.P.H., call Heather Woolwine at 843-792-7669 or email woolwinh@musc.edu To place an electronic embedded link to this study in your story Links will be live at the embargo time: http://archpsyc.jamanetwork.com/article.aspx?doi=10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2015.1786   JAMA Psychiatry Women who served in…


Cognitive-Behavioral Prevention Program for Teens At-Risk of Depression Shows Long-Term Benefit

EMBARGOED FOR RELEASE: 11 A.M. (ET), WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 2015 Media Advisory: To contact David A. Brent, M.D., call Ashley Trentrock at 412-586-9776 or email trentrockar@upmc.edu. To place an electronic embedded link to this study in your story Links will be live at the embargo time: http://archpsyc.jamanetwork.com/article.aspx?doi=10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2015.1559   JAMA Psychiatry A cognitive-behavioral prevention program for depression…




Association of Low Resting Heart Rate in Men and Increased Violent Criminality

EMBARGOED FOR RELEASE: 11 A.M. (ET), WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 2015 Media Advisory: To contact corresponding author Antti Latvala, Ph.D.,  email antti.latvala@helsinki.fi. To contact editorial writer Adrian Raine, D.Phil., call Evan Lerner at 215-573-6604 or email elerner@upenn.edu. An author audio interview will be available when the embargo lifts in the JAMA Psychiatry website: http://bit.ly/1XlIzHX   To place…



Cannabis and the Brain; 2 Studies, 1 Editorial Examine Associations

EMBARGOED FOR RELEASE: 11 A.M. (ET), WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 26, 2015 Media Advisory: To contact corresponding author David Pagliaccio, Ph.D., call Judy Martin at 314-286-0105 or email martinju@wustl.edu or call Jim McElroy at 301-443-4536 or email NIMHpress@nih.gov . To contact corresponding author Tomáš Paus, M.D, Ph.D., call Kelly Connelly at 416-785-2432 or email kconnelly@baycrest.org. To contact…



Telephone-Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Anxiety in Rural Older Adults

EMBARGOED FOR RELEASE: 11 A.M. (ET), WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 5, 2015 Media Advisory: To contact corresponding author Gretchen A. Brenes, Ph.D., call Marguerite Beck at 336-716-2415 or email marbeck@wakehealth.edu. To contact editorial author Eric J. Lenze, M.D., call Jim Dryden at 314-286-0110 or email jdryden@wustl.edu.   To place an electronic embedded link to this study in…


Author Audio Interview: Vietnam Vets and Current PTSD

Listen to this author audio interview from JAMA Psychiatry on Course of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder 40 Years After Vietnam War.


Women Who Were Socially Well Integrated Had Lower Risk for Suicide

EMBARGOED FOR RELEASE: 11 A.M. (ET), WEDNESDAY, JULY 29, 2015 Media Advisory: To contact corresponding author Alexander C. Tsai, M.D., Ph.D., call Noah Brown at  617-643-3907 or email nbrown9@partners.org. To contact editorial author Eric D. Caine, M.D., call Emily Boynton at 585-273-1757 or email Emily_Boynton@URMC.Rochester.edu. To place an electronic embedded link to this study in…


Study Finds Some Vietnam Vets Currently Have PTSD 40 Years After War Ended

EMBARGOED FOR RELEASE: 11 A.M. (ET), WEDNESDAY, JULY 22, 2015 Media Advisory: To contact corresponding author Charles R. Marmar, M.D., call Jim Mandler at 212-404-3525 or email jim.mandler@nyumc.org. To contact editorial author Charles W. Hoge, M.D., call Debra Yourick at 301-319-9471 or email debra.l.yourick.civ@mail.mil. An author interview will be available when the embargo lifts on…


Childhood Psychiatric Problems Associated with Problems in Adulthood

EMBARGOED FOR RELEASE: 11 A.M. (ET), WEDNESDAY, JULY 15, 2015 Media Advisory: To contact corresponding author William E. Copeland, Ph.D., call Samiha Khanna at 919-419-5069 or email samiha.khanna@duke.edu. To contact editorial author Benjamin B. Lahey, Ph.D., call Kevin Jiang at 773-795-5227 or e-mail Kevin.Jiang@uchospitals.edu.   To place an electronic embedded link to this study in…


Study Details Army Suicide Attempts, Risk Profiles for Enlisted Soldiers, Officers

EMBARGOED FOR RELEASE: 11 A.M. (ET), WEDNESDAY, JULY 8, 2015 Media Advisory: To contact corresponding author Robert J. Ursano, M.D., call Sharon Holland at 301- 295-3578 or email sharon.holland@usuhs.edu. To place an electronic embedded link to this study in your story Links will be live at the embargo time: http://archpsyc.jamanetwork.com/article.aspx?doi=10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2015.0987   JAMA Psychiatry A new analysis…


Study Details Use of Antipsychotic Medication Use in Young People

EMBARGOED FOR RELEASE: 11 A.M. (ET), WEDNESDAY, JULY 1, 2015 Media Advisory: To contact corresponding author Mark Olfson, M.D., M.P.H., call Rachel Yarmolinsky at 646-774-5353 or email Yarmoli@nyspi.columbia.edu. To contact editorial author Christoph U. Correll, M.D., call Michelle Pinto at 516-465-2649 or e-mail mpinto@nshs.edu. To place an electronic embedded link to this study in your…


Study Examines Cesarean Section Delivery and Autism Spectrum Disorder

EMBARGOED FOR RELEASE: 11 A.M. (ET), WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24, 2015 Media Advisory: To contact corresponding author Ali S. Khashan, Ph.D., email a.khashan@ucc.ie   To place an electronic embedded link to this study in your story Links will be live at the embargo time: http://archpsyc.jamanetwork.com/article.aspx?doi=10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2015.0846 JAMA Psychiatry   Study Examines Cesarean Section Delivery and Autism Spectrum Disorder…


Study Looks at Risk, Family Relatedness for Tourette Syndrome, Tic Disorders

EMBARGOED FOR RELEASE: 11 A.M. (ET), WEDNESDAY, JUNE 17, 2015 Media Advisory: To contact corresponding author David Mataix-Cols, Ph.D., email david.mataix.cols@ki.se To place an electronic embedded link to this study in your story Links will be live at the embargo time: http://archpsyc.jamanetwork.com/article.aspx?doi=10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2015.0627 JAMA Psychiatry The risk for tic disorders, including Tourette syndrome and chronic tic disorders,…



Alcohol Use Disorder is Widespread, Often Untreated in the United States

EMBARGOED FOR RELEASE: 11 A.M. (ET), WEDNESDAY, JUNE 3, 2015 Media Advisory: To contact corresponding author Bridget F. Grant, Ph.D., call the NIAAA Press Office at 301-443-3860 or email NIAAAPressOffice@mail.nih.gov To place an electronic embedded link to this study in your story Links will be live at the embargo time: http://archpsyc.jamanetwork.com/article.aspx?doi=10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2015.0584 JAMA Psychiatry Alcohol use disorder…


Global Study Finds Psychotic Experiences Infrequent in General Population

EMBARGOED FOR RELEASE: 11 A.M. (ET), WEDNESDAY, MAY 27, 2015 Media Advisory: To contact corresponding author John J. McGrath, Ph.D., M.D., email j.mcgrath@uq.edu.au. To place an electronic embedded link to this study in your story Links will be live at the embargo time: http://archpsyc.jamanetwork.com/article.aspx?doi=10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2015.0575 JAMA Psychiatry Psychotic experiences were  infrequent in the general population, with an…







Depression, Diabetes Associated with Increased Dementia Risk

EMBARGOED FOR RELEASE: 11 A.M. (ET), WEDNESDAY, APRIL 15, 2015 Media Advisory: To contact corresponding author Dimitry Davydow, M.D., M.P.H., call Leila R. Gray at 206-685-0381 or email leilag@uw.edu. To contact commentary author Charles F. Reynolds III, M.D., call  Ashley Trentrock at 412-586-9776 or email TrentrockAR@upmc.edu. To place an electronic embedded link to this study…


Rural African-American Women Had Lower Rates of Depression, Mood Disorder

EMBARGOED FOR RELEASE: 11 A.M. (ET), WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8, 2015 Media Advisory: To contact corresponding author Addie Weaver, Ph.D., call Jared Wadley at 734-936-7819 or email jwadley@umich.edu.   To place an electronic embedded link to this study in your story Links will be live at the embargo time: http://archpsyc.jamanetwork.com/article.aspx?doi=10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2015.10   JAMA Psychiatry   Rural African-American Women…



Suicide Not Associated with Deployment Among U.S. Military Personnel

EMBARGOED FOR RELEASE: 11 A.M. (ET), WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1, 2015 Media Advisory: To contact corresponding author Mark A. Reger, Ph.D., call Joe Jimenez at 253-968-4880 or email joseph.s.jimenez.civ@mail.mil To place an electronic embedded link to this study in your story Links will be live at the embargo time: http://archpsyc.jamanetwork.com/article.aspx?doi=10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2014.3195 JAMA Psychiatry Deployment to Operation Enduring Freedom…


Imaging Study Suggests Prenatal Air Pollution Exposure may be Bad for Kids’ Brains

EMBARGOED FOR RELEASE: 11 A.M. (ET), WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25, 2015 Media Advisory: To contact corresponding author Bradley S. Peterson, M.D., call at Debra Kain 323 361-7628 or 323-361-1812 or email dkain@chla.usc.edu. To place an electronic embedded link to this study in your story Links will be live at the embargo time: http://archpsyc.jamanetwork.com/article.aspx?doi=10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2015.57 JAMA Psychiatry A small…

Gastrointestinal Symptoms Reported by Moms More Common in Kids with Autism

EMBARGOED FOR RELEASE: 11 A.M. (ET), WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25, 2015 Media Advisory: To contact corresponding author Michaeline Bresnahan, Ph.D., M.P.H., call Tim Paul at 212-305-2676 or email tp2111@columbia.edu. To place an electronic embedded link to this study in your story Links will be live at the embargo time: http://archpsyc.jamanetwork.com/article.aspx?doi=10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2014.3034 JAMA Psychiatry Gastrointestinal symptoms reported by mothers…

Variety of DBT Interventions with Therapists Effective at Reducing Suicide Attempts

EMBARGOED FOR RELEASE: 11 A.M. (ET), WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25, 2015 Media Advisory: To contact corresponding author Marsha M. Linehan, Ph.D., call Deborah L. Bach at 206-543-2580 or email bach2@uw.edu. An author podcast will be available when the embargo lifts on the JAMA Psychiatry website: http://jama.md/1CAHnJb To place an electronic embedded link to this study in…





Heritability of Autism Spectrum Disorder Studied in UK Twins

EMBARGOED FOR RELEASE: 11 A.M. (ET), WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4, 2015 Media Advisory: To contact corresponding author Beata Tick, M.Sc., email beata.b.tick@kcl.ac.uk or email Tom Bragg at tom.bragg@kcl.ac.uk To place an electronic embedded link to this study in your story Links will be live at the embargo time: http://archpsyc.jamanetwork.com/article.aspx?doi=10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2014.3028 JAMA Psychiatry Substantial genetic and moderate environmental influences…




Higher Mortality Risk in Individuals with Mental Health Disorders

EMBARGOED FOR RELEASE: 11 A.M. (ET), WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2015 Media Advisory: To contact author Elizabeth Reisinger Walker, Ph.D., M.P.H., M.A.T., call Kathi Baker at 404-710-9812 or email kobaker@emory.edu. To place an electronic embedded link to this study in your story Links will be live at the embargo time: http://archpsyc.jamanetwork.com/article.aspx?doi=10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2014.2502 JAMA Psychiatry Individuals with mental health disorders…



Neuroimaging Studies Review Suggests Areas of Agreement in Psychiatric Diagnoses

EMBARGOED FOR RELEASE: 11 A.M. (ET), WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 2015 Media Advisory: To contact corresponding author Amit Etkin, M.D., Ph.D., call Bruce Goldman at 650-725-2106 or email goldmanb@stanford.edu. To place an electronic embedded link to this study in your story Links will be live at the embargo time: http://archpsyc.jamanetwork.com/article.aspx?doi=10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2014.2206 JAMA Psychiatry   A review of neuroimaging…


Diversity in Developmental Trajectories in Kids with Autism Spectrum Disorder

EMBARGOED FOR RELEASE: 11 A.M. (ET), WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 28, 2015 Media Advisory: To contact author Peter Szatmari, M.D., call Kate Richards at 416-535-8501 x36015 or email kate.richards@camh.ca. To place an electronic embedded link to this study in your story Links will be live at the embargo time: http://archpsyc.jamanetwork.com/article.aspx?doi=10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2014.2463 JAMA Psychiatry   Preschool children with autism spectrum…



Clinical Trial Examines Safety, Effectiveness of Drug to Treat Binge Eating Disorder

EMBARGOED FOR RELEASE: 11 A.M. (ET), WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 14, 2015 Media Advisory: To contact corresponding author Susan L. McElroy, M.D., call Jennifer Pierson at 513-536-0316 or email jennifer.pierson@lindnercenter.org. To place an electronic embedded link to this study in your story The link for this study will be live at the embargo time: http://archpsyc.jamanetwork.com/article.aspx?doi=10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2014.2162 JAMA Psychiatry At…



Women with More PTSD Symptoms Appear at Higher Risk for Type-2 Diabetes

EMBARGOED FOR RELEASE: 11 A.M. (ET), WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 7, 2015 Media Advisory: To contact corresponding author Karestan C. Koenen, Ph.D., call Stephanie Berger at 212-305-4372 or email sb2247@columbia.edu. To place an electronic embedded link to this study in your story The link for this study will be live at the embargo time: http://archpsyc.jamanetwork.com/article.aspx?doi=10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2014.2632 JAMA Psychiatry  …


Parental History of Suicide Attempt Associated with Increased Risk in Kids

EMBARGOED FOR RELEASE: 3 P.M. (CT), TUESDAY, DECEMBER 30, 2014 Media Advisory: To contact author David A. Brent, M.D. call Ashley Trentrock at 412-586-9776 or email trentrockar@upmc.edu. To place an electronic embedded link to this study in your story The link for this study will be live at the embargo time: http://archpsyc.jamanetwork.com/article.aspx?doi=10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2014.2141 JAMA Psychiatry A suicide…


Identifying Brain Variations to Predict Patient Response to Surgery for OCD

EMBARGOED FOR RELEASE: 3 P.M. (CT), TUESDAY, DECEMBER 23, 2014 Media Advisory: To contact corresponding author Sameer A. Sheth, M.D., Ph.D., call 212-305-5587 or email pr@nyp.org. To contact editorial author Odile A. van den Heuvel, M.D., Ph.D., email oa.vandenheuvel@vumc.nl. An author podcast will be available when the embargo lifts on the JAMA Psychiatry website: http://bit.ly/1boZNiZ…



